Assisted-living facilities can be uniquely challenging to manage because they house seniors of all different abilities. A particularly important part of your duties as an administrator includes ensuring all seniors in your facility can eat food that is both tasty and nutritious. Food management businesses can handle this daily, but ensure you select one which provides these services:
Delicious Meals of All Consistencies
Some seniors in your center might eat regular meals, but as they age or their health causes their chewing abilities still change, their diets may only allow soft foods or liquids.
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4 Ways To Help A New Mom After The Baby Arrives
Welcoming a new baby to the family is always an exciting event, but it can also be a lot of hard work for a new mother, especially if she has older children that she also has to care for. Most new moms can use some help after the birth of a child, but many women do not ask for it. If you have a close friend or family member who is expecting a baby, consider doing the following things to help her out and make life a little less stressful so she can enjoy her new baby:
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Troubleshooting Frequent Issues With The Conveyor Of A Conveyor-Fed Donut Fryer
Serving up fresh-fried donuts every morning is sure to attract a heavy flow of customers who are out getting an early start, which means having the appropriate equipment to keep the product prepared and ready for business is of the utmost importance. If your bakery produces a large number of donuts on a daily basis, the conveyor-fed donut fryer is easily the single most important thing you have in your commercial kitchen.
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A Vegan's Guide To Pizza
Pizza is one of the most popular foods enjoyed all over the world and by people of all walks of life. But how do you get to enjoy this treat if you're vegan? Veggie eaters rejoice -- there are some initiatives you can take to get your fill of pizza without having to turn to mainstream meat and cheese based options. If you want to learn some workarounds for enjoying delicious pizza without going against your diet, read on.
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